Yoga :Role in our Life


Yoga, a way of living disciplined and calm life, originated from the ancient scriptures of India. Developed further by the famous Sage Patanjali.
Yoga is now practiced by common people all over the world as an integral part of their day-to-day living for a healthy body and a sound mind. Derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’, meaning to bind or to join, Yoga is the art of living that enables the human beings to strike a balance between the mind and the body. This balance ultimately leads to a harmonic bond between the body and soul and in turn with the Almighty. Since it binds these factors together, hence the name Yoga. Yoga is an integral part of Hinduism, largely looked at as a religion, is in fact a way of leading a pure life. A life full of compassion, care and discipline. Hinduism is based on the fact that this life is a journey, the destination of which is the unification with the Almighty.

Just like different streamlets that flow unceasably to meet the ocean, the human beings too travel all through their lives to become one with the Almighty at the end.
Hinduism believes that the unification of soul with the Almighty is possible only when a life is lead in a pure and disciplined way. And it is the various stages of Yoga that helps one lead a disciplined and calm life. The first reference to yoga can be traced in the great Hindu scripture, Upanishad .
It is referred to as a way of leading a virtuous life. It is described through the lives of the great sages. The most significance reference from the ancient time is found in the Bhagwad Geeta, the most important portion of the great Hindu epic Mahabharata.

Bhagwad Geeta literally meaning the Song of God, is a discourse on life and death by lord Krishna for Arjuna, the great warrior. There Krishna explains the various aspects of
Yoga and also deals with the lifestyle that can lead a human being to reach him as he finishes the journey of his life. He also talks about the kind of food, the kind of outlook, the kind of behavior that relates to Yoga and a Yogic life.

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