Need of Vitamin B

Vitamins, the name itself is enough to scare anyone from choosing the right one, because of the many types of Vitamins available in the market. Also, choosing the right company is very important, since this is about regrowing your own hair that matters.

Cheap vitamins may not always be the best and expensive ones on the other hand may not always perform better. Most of the vitamins comes in capsules or tablets form and they are very easy to swallow. Vitamin C sometimes comes in chewy tablet, which means you can chew on the tablets, without having to swallow it. As i was once told by a family Doctor, that Vitamins cannot exist by itself. It has to be mixed with some other ingredients to form the capsules or tablets.

FACT: Vitamins can save your life and bring you back to normal, whatever your normal is:

Vitamin B, "B" stands for "Beautiful"

• Vitamin B: "B" stands for beautiful and thats what you want your hair to be. There are several types of Vitamin B and the most revelant ones are the B-6 and the B-12. Vitamin B helps by increasing the amount of red blood cells in your body and by bringing more oxygen to your blood stream.

More oxygen in your blood means your hair follicles gets to breath easier with more oxygen supply. Hair follicles are simply a part of your skin and they require constant supply of rich nutrient laden with fresh oxygen. This can be supplied by the tiny blood vessels situated in the hair follicles and is compared to the roots of a tree.

• Vitamin B increases blood circulation to your head and encourages new hair growth. Studies have shown that lack of this important vitamin had caused rapid hair loss in patients, which was reversed simply by introducing Vitamin B in the diet. Some of the foods that are rich in Vitamin B are fish and seafood, poultry and meats, beans and peas, Potatoes, ready to eat cereals, Bananas, Oatmeal, eggs. 
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