User requirements are growing faster than ever and the limitations of the current mobile communication systems have forced the researchers to come up with more advanced and efficient technologies. 4G mobile technology is the next step in this direction. 4G is the next generation of wireless networks that will totally replace 3G networks.
With the deployment of 3G (3rd generation mobile communication systems) in process, the interest of many research bodies shifts towards future systems beyond 3G. They are called B3G (beyond 3G) or 4G (4th generation mobile communication). The term 4G is used broadly to include several types of broadband wireless access communication systems, not only cellular telephone systems.
•4G will be a fully IP-based integrated system.
•Providing transfer rate between 100 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s speeds
both indoors and outdoors.
•Premium quality and high security.
•Interoperability with existing wireless standards
•Multimode user terminals
•Attacks on application level
•Jamming and spoofing
•Data encryption
•Multiple-input and multiple-output, or MIMO
•Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)
•Software Defined Radio (SDR)
•High performance
•Interoperability and easy roaming
•Fully converged services.
•Devices: more user friendly interface
•Enhanced GPS Services•Scalability•Crisis-Management
This blog article provided an overview of the 4G evolution and
technologies. 4G will certainly add perceived benefit to an
ordinary person’s life over 3G. 4G will be an intelligent
technology that will interconnect the entire world seamlessly.
Projected 4G mobile communication system will reduce
number of different technologies to a single global standard.
Technologies are evolving every day and night but the final
success of 4G mobile communication will depend upon the
new services and contents made available to users. These
new applications must meet user expectations, and give
added value over existing offers.